ETFE HT-2202价格


Tefzel HT-2202
DuPont Fluoropolymers


DuPont™ Tefzel® HT-2202 fluoropolymer is a special-purpose resin available in 2.5-mm (0.1-in.) pellets. Tefzel® HT-2202 is a modified ETFE resin designed to promote adhesion between polyamide resins and ETFE resins.

Tefzel® HT-2202 and the other Tefzel® fluoropolymers are melt processible, modified copolymers of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene. They are high-performance resins that can be processed at relatively high rates compared with fluorocarbon resins. They are mechanically tough and offer an excellent balance of properties.

Tefzel® HT-2202 is an easy-to-process adhesive material. Tefzel® HT-2202 is inert to most solvents and chemicals, hydrolytically stable, and weather resistant. Recommended upper service is 150°C (302°F); useful properties are retained at cryogenic ranges. The level and stability of dielectric properties are excellent. Mechanical properties include outstanding high-impact strength, cut-through, and abrasion resistance.


材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效   
供货地区 • 北美洲 • 欧洲  
 • 南美洲 • 亚太地区  
 • 抗溶解性 • 耐磨蚀性,良好 • 水解稳定 
性能特点 • 抗撞击性,高 • 耐气候影响性能良好  
 • 耐化学性良好 • 韧性良好  
用途 • 电气/电子应用领域 • 紧固件 • 容器 
 • 阀门/阀门部件 • 连接器 • 实验室器具 
形式 • 颗粒料   
加工方法 • 吹塑成型 • 树脂传递成型 • 注射成型 
 • 挤出 • 压缩模塑  
物理性能  额定值单位制 测试方法 
比重  1.70g/cm³ ASTM D792 
熔流率 (297°C/5.0 kg)  7.0g/10 min ASTM D1238 
吸水率 (24 hr)  0.0070% ASTM D570 
机械性能  额定值单位制 测试方法 
抗张强度 (23°C)  34.5MPa ASTM D638 
伸长率 (断裂, 23°C)  250% ASTM D638 
弯曲模量 (23°C)  1030MPa ASTM D790 
冲击性能  额定值单位制 测试方法 
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 (23°C)  无断裂 ASTM D256 
热性能  额定值单位制  
熔融温度  250 到 280°C  
可燃性  额定值单位制 测试方法 
极限氧指数  31% ASTM D2863 
Limiting Oxygen Index, ASTM D2863: 30 to 32%   

